#1 Yale College (New Haven)...
#2 The Gothic Church (New Haven)
#3 Bridge at Norwich
#4 East Port and Passamaquoddy Bay
#5 Desert Rock Light House
#6 Battle Monument, Baltimore
#7 Viaduct on Baltimore and Washington Railroad
#8 View of Baltimore
#9 Washington's Monument, Baltimore
#10 View from Mount Holyoke
#11 State Street, Boston ....
#12 Boston and Bunker Hill ....
#13 Boston from Dorchester Heights ....
#14 Faneuiel Hall, Boston ....SOLD
#15 Valley of the Connecticut (From Mount Holyoke)
#16 Faneuil Hall, from the water ....SOLD
#17 Mount Tom and the Connecticut River
#18 Cemetery of Mount Auburn
#19 Northampton
New Jersey
#20 View of the Passaic Falls
New Hampshire
#21 The Silver Cascade
#22 The Notch House, White Mountains
#23 Squawm Lake
#24 View from Mount Washington
#25 View of Meredith
#26 Mount Washington and the White Hills
#27 Mount Jefferson
#28 Pulpit Rock
#29 Saw Mill at Centre Habour
#30 Lake Winnipisseogee, from Red Hill ....
#31 The Willey House
#32 Centre Harbour
New York
#33 Entrance to the Hudson Highlands, near Newburgh ....
#34 Scene Among the Islands on Lake George
#35 Niagara Falls from the Ferry
#36 View from West Point (Hudson River)
#37 Trenton Falls, View Down the Ravine
#38 The Outlet of Niagara River (Lake Ontario in the Distance)
#39 The Palisades (Hudson River)
#40 The Rapids Above the Falls of Niagara
#41 Saratoga Lake
#42 Colonade of Congress-Hall (Saratoga Springs)
#43 Albany
#44 Crow-Nest from Bull Hill (Hudson River)
#45 View Below Table Rock
#46 The Tomb of Kosciusko
#47 The Horse Shoe Fall, Niagara, with the Tower
#48 The Narrows From Staten Island ....
#49 View of the Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga ....
#50 View from Port Putnam (Hudson River)
#51 Niagara Falls (from near Clifton House)
#52 View from Hyde Park (Hudson River)
#53 Village of Sing-Sing (Hudson River)
#54 View from Ruggle's House, Newburgh (Hudson River)
#55 New York Bay (from the Telegraph Station)
#56 Peekskill Landing (Hudson River)
#57 Light House Near Caldwell's Landing
#58 Caldwell (Lake George) ....
#59 A Forest on Lake Ontario
#60 The Indian Falls, near Cold-Spring (opposite West Point)
#61 The Genesse Falls, Rochester ....
#62 The Ferry at Brooklyn, New York
#63 Rail-Road Scene, Little Falls (Valley of the Mohawk)
#64 Utica
#65 The Landing, on the American Side (Falls of Niagara)
#66 The Park, and City Hall, New York ....
#67 The Two Lakes and the Mountain House on the Catskills ....
#68 Trenton High Falls
#69 Lockport, Erie Canal
#70 Black Mountain (Lake George) ....
#71 View on the Erie Canal, near Little Falls
#72 Hudson Highlands (from Bull Hill)
#73 Villa on the Hudson, near Weehawken
#74 Ballston Springs
#75 The Narrows (from Fort Hamilton) ....
#76 Sabbath Day Point (Lake George) ....
#77 The Catterskill Falls (from below) ....
#78 The Catterskill Falls (from above the Ravine)
#79 Winter Scene on the Catterskills
#80 Roger's Slide, Lake George ....
#81 Niagara Falls (from the top of the ladder, American side)
#82 Little Falls (on the Mohawk)
#83 Undercliff Near Cold Spring (Seat of General P. Morris)
#84 View of New York, from Weehawken
#85 Village of Little Falls (Mohawk River)
#86 Barhydt's Lake (near Saratoga)
#87 Sing Sing Prison and Tappan Sea
#88 The Narrows, Lake George ....
#89 View of Hudson City and the Catskill Mountains ....
#90 Village of Catskill
#91 Scene among the Highlands on Lake George ....
#92 Brock's Monument (from the American Side)
#93 View from Gowanus Heights, Brooklyn
#94 View on the Susquehanna (above Owego)
#95 Bridge on Glens Falls (on the Hudson)
#96 View from Mount Ida (near Troy)
#97 View from Glenmary Lawn (on the Owago)
#98 View near Anthony's Nose (Hudson Highlands) ....
#99 Chapel of Our Lady of Coldspring
#100 The Mountain House, on the Catskills ....
#101 The Descent into the Valley of Wyoming
#102 Columbia Bridge (on the Susquehanna)
#103 Wilkesbarre (Vale of Wyoming)
#104 Fairmont Gardens, with the Schuylkill Bridge ....
#105 View on the Susquehanna, at Liverpool
#106 The Exchange and Girard's Bank (Philadelphia) ....
#107 View of Northumberland (on the Susquehanna)
#109 The United States Bank, Philadelphia ....
#110 Harper's Ferry (from the Potomac Side)
#111 Valley of the Shenandoah, Jefferson's Rock (Harper's Ferry)
#112 The Tomb of Washington, Mount Vernon
#114 Harper's Ferry (from the Blue Ridge)
#115 Natural Bridge, Virginia
Washington DC
#116 Principal Front of the Capitol Washington ....
#117 View of the Capitol at Washington
#118 Washington from the Presidents House
#119 The Presidents House from the Water ....
#120 Ascent to the Capitol, Washington