Rare Posters: Unique, hard-to-find


$20 each, or pick 4 or more at $15 each! Near Mint Condition, Authentic

Antique Orange Crate Labels, 1920s-40s, each 10"x11":

F4: Bronco F29: Sierra Vista F131: Golden Rod F130: Sunflower F134: Cycle
F6: Carro Amano F125: Tesoro Rancho F8: Desert Bloom F9: Full o' Juice F10: Gold Buckle
F11: Golden Eagle F12: Good Year F69: Double A F14: Have One F77: Tartan

F119: Miracle F18: Kiltie F76: Pine Cone F135: Yokohl
F21: Loch Lomond F13: Handsum F79: Metropolitan F24: Polo F25: Red Peak
F27: Royal Knight F28: Shamrock F127: Caledonia F68: Exeter
F1: Altissimo F2: Avenue F104: Sunny Heights F19: Lily F5: Carefree
F52: Greenspot F114: Scotch Lassie F55: Airline

Lemon Crate Labels, 1920s-40s, each 9"x12.5":

F36: Golden State F136: Basket F38: Lofty F39: Meteor F87: Pacific
F41: Parade F133: Morning Sun F81: Silver Moon F33: Evening Star F83: Tartan
F30: All Year F129: Santa Rosa F32: Channel F100: Shamrock F35: Festival
F84: Ramona F123: Panama F86: Power F42: Santa F80: Schooner
F132: King Tut F82: Sespe F37: Lemonade

Apple Crate Labels, 1920s-40s, sizes vary around 9"x11":

F43: Appleton F63: Red Seal F45: Buddy F61: Dynamo F47: Don't Worry
F57: Lake View F58: Jackie Boy F59: Mountain Goat F121: Wilko Red F122:Wilko Yellow

Pear Crate Labels,1920s-40s, each 7.5"x11":

F48: Golden Bosc F49: Gold Wing F50: Hustler F56: Rose Gold F65: Statue
F124: Piggy Pears F74: Sun Smile

Vegetable crate labels, 1930s-40s, Yams 9"x9", Vegs 6"x9":

F88: Joe Sammy's F89: Smoky Jim's F90: Champ F91: Vitamin F93: Teenage
F94: Lion F95: Up n'Atom F97: Hot

Cranberry crate labels, 1920s-30s, each 7"x10":

F107 Jersey Belle F108: America Beauty F109: Monmouth F110: Heather F111: Gem
F120: Blue Parrot F113: Harvard

These are original American antique fruit and vegetable crate labels, never used and in mint condition, quantities of old and original labels have been found in storage warehouses and printing plants, hence the mint condition, these are excellent examples of commercial advertising lithography, great for kitchen display! Antique Fruit Crate Labels for Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Pears, Vegetables, California, Washington State